Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I know, I know...

Sooooo, it's been awhile since my last note to you. Somewhere around 4 1/2 months. I know this because you, my sweet little girl, are crying upstairs and you are about that age. Your Mom has said that I should change the name of this blog to She's not funny. So I thought it was time to get my two cents in and actually write to you.

For those who say it's not that bad being a first time parent... they're lying, it's miserable. I say this as lovingly as possible (YES believe your Mother as she's explaning to you as you read this that I didn't do much, she's right). If I was a single dad, you would probably cry a lot more, because when Daddy sleeps, he doesn't hear much. There have been numerous occasions when I would wake in the morning and roll over to you Mom and say "Leah was really good last night, she didn't wake up at all!" and I would get the reply "she was awake every two hours... Thanks for the HELP!" I was at least dreaming that you were asleep!

A lot has changed since you have come to this world. You have been recently baptised, which I think is pretty cool and you have started to become a very funny little girl. I was a little worried initially because you cried... A lot! Your Mom assured me that this was a phase, but a phase in my mind should last an hour, not 3 months. I want you to know that I never stopped loving you during these times, it is actually amazing because I really thought your sad face was kind of cute. I have to admit, it is very hard to see you crying and I hope I don't see a lot of it when you are growing up. Thankfully this has subsided and you are becoming a very happy and talkative little one. I carry on complete conversations with you and fortunately for me you agree with everything I say!

I will never spoil you (ha) but it's pretty remarkable how quickly you wrapped me around your finger. Making you smile and laugh is the greatest joy I see on a daily basis... that and trying to keep your Mama happy. I hope I can continue to do this as you grow older and gain life experiences. I want to be there for you in everything and I hope you will always share with me what is going on in your life, but I'm sure the aggreance that we share will soon subside.


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